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East of England Ambulance Service Trust and Airbox Mosiac

04 September 2021

From integration in 2018, Airbox MOSAIC has become an integral part of the East of England Ambulance Service Trust (EEAST) Resilience and Specialist Operations team. It was procured to provide an accurate Common Operating Picture to enable safer, more efficient and accurate operations and tasks. All Ambulance National Inter-agency Liaison Officers (NILOs) both within Hazardous Area Response Team (HART) Managers and Resilience have a tablet device with the software. Each live HART Team Leader also has a tablet with the software.

‘With increasing frequency the system is being utilised for Pre-Planned Operations. On several occasions this has proven useful in creating clear situational awareness plans by duty commanders. HART TLs can also develop and maintain their situational awareness having all available information as soon as they are allocated to the incident.’