Refocusing on Core Expertise; Discontinuation of RunwayHD and Airbox Plates Products

08 August 2024

For the past 14 years, Airbox has had the opportunity and privilege of collaborating closely with and serving aviators of all kinds, including private aviators. We’ve done so in part via our RunwayHD product, which has achieved a great deal of success and, for many years, served as a flagship product for private aviators.

And we have loved being in a position to provide important navigation, communication and operational information capabilities to charities, small aviation businesses, private pilots and others, often at no cost to the user. Our primary goal has always been to ensure that we deliver reliable and high-quality products to all of our customers and users. 

Unfortunately, we no longer feel that we’re able to meet this standard with RunwayHD. Therefore, after careful consideration and strategic planning, we have decided to solely focus our aviation efforts on our professional technologies and products that make up the majority of our aviation product portfolio and where we have a proven track record of excellence and expertise.

Embracing our Core Strengths

In shifting our focus entirely to professional and emergency services aviation customers, an area where we excel and have established significant expertise, we leverage our strengths and enable Airbox to deliver unparalleled value to our customers. In concentrating on what we do best in aviation, we can ensure our emergency services and professional aviation customers receive the highest quality products and services. 

Addressing Recent Challenges

For our valued RunwayHD customers who have experienced recent technical challenges, we appreciate your feedback and patience. These challenges have not gone unnoticed by anyone in the company, and have reinforced our decision to concentrate on our core competencies and areas where we can truly shine. At Airbox, we strive to deliver a superior experience for all of our customers and no longer feel able to do that with RunwayHD. 

Sunsetting Airbox B2C Products

As such, we will be gradually discontinuing our B2C products over the coming months. This will include RunwayHD and Airbox Plates. We understand that this transition may be challenging for some of our customers, and we are committed to ensuring a smooth process. Detailed guidance and support will be provided in the coming days to help our valued customers navigate this change.

Only a portion of total Airbox customers will be affected, and for some, other Airbox products will be appropriate. 

Supporting Our B2C Customers

To minimise any inconvenience, we are enhancing our support resources to assist affected customers during this transition period. If this includes you and you haven’t already received an email from our Airbox team, we will be in touch shortly. Alternatively, you can reach out for assistance, and we will do our utmost to support you through this process. 

Exciting Opportunities for Professional and Emergency Services Aviation Customers

With this decision, we will be able to dedicate more resources, innovation and attention to our core technologies, platforms and products. And the entire Airbox team is thrilled to bring B2B customers even greater value in the form of finely-tuned products and services, continuing the commitment to excellence for which Airbox is known. 

Looking Forward

This decision was not made hastily or taken lightly. It represents a strategic shift to our current product set and will affect customers with whom we have developed longstanding relationships of mutual respect. We are, however, confident that this refocus on our core strengths will allow us to deliver great value to our customers and partners in the short, medium and long terms. Your continued support is greatly appreciated as we embark on this exciting new chapter of Airbox history. 


Thank you for your understanding and support.